Sunday, July 10, 2011

Product Review - derma e natural bodycare

So, as most of you who will read this blog know, I have been at my fantastic in-laws' house in the south suburbs of Chicago for the last three weeks due to the icky (read: UNHEALTHY) water problem in my town of residence.  When I first got here I needed to buy some face wash and moisturizer because I was running out of the Dermalogica brand I use.  I was in Dominick's, a grocery store, and decided to check out what they had in the "natural" aisle.  To my surprise, there was a nice selection of products.  My eye was drawn to the line of derma e products as I picked up the "Very Clear Problem Skin Cleanser" and checked to make sure there were no artificial colors or fragrance added and no animal products or testing (vegan).

Obviously, there was none of that crap in it, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this review. 

I decided to shell out the $30 or $40 or so that the cleanser and moisturizer cost together in the store because A. I like to try new things; and B. I needed it to clean and moisturize my face anyway.

Here comes the "review" part...

After using the Very Clear Problem Skin Cleanser and Very Clear Problem Skin Moisturizer for the last three weeks, I have noticed a big improvement in the look and feel of my skin.  I have a lot less to no pink/red blotches and blemishes, which has led to wearing less makeup!  I even took a picture with absolutely no makeup on and didn't cringe at the sight of it... actually made it my new profile picture on all of my social networking sites, including this blog!

Today I decided to buy some other products from derma e's website that are on sale, such as the Microdermabrasion Scrub and Scar Gel to continue evening out the skin tone of my face, and Clear Vein/Bruise Solution to try to speed the healing process of bruises left behind from Bosco and Teddy's wrath!

Derma e has a lot of products and they're all natural and cruelty-free!  You can get 10 samples from their website shipped to you for $4.95 if you're interested in trying them out!

Use natural body products so that you aren't putting chemicals, artificial colors and fragrances, and animal products on and into your body!!!

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