Thursday, June 9, 2011

My story: Fruit flush, final thoughts

Yesterday was the third and final day of the Fruit Flush! 

I complained a lot more yesterday because I wanted to eat something with more substance than fruit.  Don't get me wrong, I love fruit, but two days of only fruit was overkill for me.  Besides the fact that I ditched the protein shake last night, I completed the 3-day program!


And... I lost 5.7 pounds over those three days, even though I didn't really feel like it was flushing anything out.

In conclusion, I'm honestly not sure if I can hack the protein shake day again to repeat the Fruit Flush, but I'm thinking about adding some fruit, ice, and soy, rice, almond, or coconut milk to make more of a smoothie rather than just the straight up protein and water.  Then I might be willing to try it again... 

Oh, quick quiz:  What do you think I had for breakfast this morning?  Did I stay with the fruit trend and have my usual morning apple?  Did I take the lazy way out and drive through the McDonald's line?  Did I skip it altogether?

Answer:  Heck no!  [None of the above]  I made myself some good 'ole oatmeal with a little bit of dried cranberries, sliced almonds, and maple syrup.  Yum!  Then I ate it on the way to work and spilled some of it on my shirt.  Oh well.  :)

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