Friday, November 11, 2011

My story: You can change the world!

Wow!  It's been way too long!  I have been too busy with my "day jobs," working long hours and trying to relax and get enough sleep at night.  However, it should go without saying at this point that I have still been committed to improving my cruelty-free, eco-friendly, vegan lifestyle. 

Tonight I decided to finally watch the documentary Forks Over Knives on Netflix through the PS3.  I had read the book several months ago, but I was very interested to see how the information was presented in the movie.  Of course, it was really good and informative! 

I have to suggest to anyone who is reading this blog: Go and watch that documentary!  There is scientific and clinical proof that the consumption of animal protein (meat, eggs, and dairy products) encourages the growth of cancer cells as well as promotes heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.  You will also be introduced to the type of corruption that exists within our government and how their dietary recommendations are feeding the pocketbooks of animal-product producers and doctors, who are treating hundreds of thousands of Americans with expensive drugs and operations, instead of educating the mass public about the only way to prevent and reverse heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and obesity. 

Especially at a time when our state and country is looking at cutting services due to lack of funding, we should all take a look at the amount of money that is being spent on health care and take more responsibility for what we are putting into our bodies.  Drugs and operations are never going to prevent anything; they only treat the persisting symptoms and should only be used when absolutely necessary to save someone's life.  Eating a more whole food, plant-based diet is the only way to make us all healthier, happier, and more efficient with our Earth! 

Please read, watch, and learn about these issues.  Then act on what you've learned.  You can change the world!   

1 comment:

  1. Friend! I need to add Forks Over Knives to my "watch" list. I think I have access to it on Amazon Prime.

    Anyway, I've started a blog of my very own! Check it out when you get a chance. I'm only one post in, so we'll see how it goes!
