Saturday, August 20, 2011

News - University opens nation's first Vegan cafeteria (USA Today)

Just yesterday, I believe, I started following Engine 2 Diet on Facebook, although I haven't yet read the book by Rip Esselstyn.  Then this morning I saw this link to a news article that was published about the first major university to have an all-vegan cafeteria.  I am surprised to hear it's the University of North Texas, but good for them!  Being a mid-westerner, when I think of Texas I don't necessarily think "vegan-friendly;" I would have thought it would be a University in Colorado or something.  Obviously, the U of North Texas will still offer the cruel animal fare that is killing Americans in their other dining halls... but what a big step to recognize the need for vegan food!  And to give the vegan options a whole facility is great, too, because there shouldn't be the risk of cross-contamination.  Hopefully this cafeteria is successful and we see more of them popping up at other universities across America!  How 'bout it my alma mater, Illinois State University?!

Again, here's the link to the USA Today article, University opens nation's first Vegan cafeteria.

Here is the link for Engine 2 Diet on Facebook.

As always, I encourage you to seek out information about why it's important to "go vegan" for our bodies, our environment, and the other inhabitants of our planet.  You could read some research summaries on the website of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine or read the book Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer.  If you're not much of a reader (you should become one), there is also a free documentary called Earthlings you could watch, although it's not quite as comprehensive.  I have not yet seen the documentary Forks Over Knives, although I have read the book, and I would suggest this film and/or book, too.  It's not a hoax.  It's not a fashionable trend.  It's about caring and looking out for ourselves and our planet.

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