Thursday, January 19, 2012

My story: Recounting the past couple of months

Tonight I'm reflecting on the last couple of months and how they have brought me to where I am today.  I hope that it might, in some way, help another person who may be experiencing similar issues.  Sometimes it might feel like you are all alone or that you are predetermined to suffer with an illness; I hope this blog, and the resources that can be found here, show you otherwise.  We are each in control of what we put into our bodies.  We can either treat our bodies with nutritious, whole foods ... or we can continue to damage it by consuming the Standard American Diet (SAD), made up of cholesterol-laden animal products, high fat oils, excessive sugars and salts, refined wheat products, etc.

It's November.  I don't know exactly know what day it is.  The year is 2011.  I recently turned 29 years old.  I'm over-obsessed with turning the big 3-0 next year ... why?  I don't want to get old.  Although I've made a lot of positive changes in the last 2-1/2 years, I still feel like my best days are behind me.

I have scoliosis and manage back and hip aches and pains every day.  I continue to procrastinate everything.  My sensitive, acne-prone skin really hasn't improved much since I've been about 15 years old.  I feel annoyed and irritated more often than I'd like to.  The awful digestive symptoms that I've experienced over the last 2 or 3 years are getting worse, and I don't think this is normal anymore.  I work a lot, but I'm not totally responsible in managing the time I do have wisely.  I'm still struggling with maintaining a healthy weight.  I'm addicted to sugar.

I make myself feel better by reminding myself that there are plenty of people out there who have it far worse than me.  That's what I've told myself my entire life to feel better.  It is true.  There are people out there who have far worse problems/conditions, etc.  But I can't live like this anymore.  I have to take control of my own body, mind, and spirit.  I'm only going to grow older, and I want to grow old with ease.  I don't want to participate in actions that only increase my chance of developing far worse conditions in the future.  I don't want to be a victim to heart disease/attack, diabetes, stroke, osteoporosis, dementia, etc.  I'm not afraid to be bold.  I want to inspire.  I want to live well.  I don't want to be sick anymore, and I certainly don't want to get any more sick.

It's now December 1, 2011.  Today is the day I have decided to try a gluten-free diet to see if my digestive problems get better.  A female cousin on my father's side has Celiac Disease and I think I might have it, too.  The "easiest" way to find out if I might is to take wheat/gluten out of my diet.  This is going to be challenging.  I love pasta.  I love bread.  I have amazing tasting veggie patties in my freezer that contain wheat.  It seems everything contains wheat!  But if it means I'll feel better, then I can do it.

December 3.  It's only been two days and I already feel so much better!  My stomach isn't as bloated-feeling, the horrible gas is gone ... good thing, too, because my friend Sara is getting married today, and I'll be seeing some friends from high school I haven't seen since, well, high school.  I won't have to worry about being embarrassed by any foul smells that might sneak out of me uncontrollably.  It's the little things in life that make the difference, right?!

December 4.  Uh-oh.  I thought I was doing all the right things but tonight I must have eaten something with wheat in it!  Stomach is bloated, gas is back, I feel sick.  I had to work my part-time retail job and it was just uncomfortably horrible.  What the heck did I eat?  I ate an Uncle Ben's instant veggie rice mix with some fresh vegetables sauteed in vegetable broth (I'm trying to cut back on oil, too).  I read the label on the rice and there is no wheat listed ...

December 5.  It was the veggie broth!!!  As I was searching online for celiac/gluten-related information, I happened to come across a series of message board comments where people were discussing how some broths have wheat in them.  Wouldn't you know it, the Swanson Organic Vegetable Broth that I had used last night is one that contains wheat!  I didn't even think to check that label.  Why would wheat be in broth???  Now I know.  Ugh.  This is annoying.

December 15.  Today I had a doctor's appointment with the nurse practitioner.  I am being referred to a gastroenterologist for further testing to see if I do have Celiac Disease.  The appointment isn't until January 19.  Until then, she prescribes a gluten-free diet.  Check!  But I'll have to eat some gluten before I'm tested, otherwise the results won't be accurate.  Bummer.

December 24.  It's Christmas Eve.  I feel great!  I'm gluten-free and symptom-free!  I'll be seeing family today that I haven't seen in a year or more.  I'm sure my new eating habits will come up in conversation.  Not everyone will appreciate or agree with them, but I will try to stay positive.  I feel good and that's all that matters.

January 1, 2012.  Whitney, from, has been promoting starting a mostly raw foods cleanse based on the book Crazy, Sexy Diet by Kris Carr.  I'm in.  I already feel so well eating gluten-free, I want to eliminate cane sugar now.  I bought the book and it is really helpful.  Inspiring.  Educational.  Entertaining.  It talks a lot about things I haven't heard much about, like green juice, meditation, and alkalizing foods.  Some of it even makes me uncomfortable as it is so far out of my comfort zone.  I am willing to try it, I just don't know where to start today.  Thankfully, Whitney has organized a Google Group for the cleanse participants.  Maybe this will be a source of support, where people will understand where I'm coming from.

January 19.  Present day.  The cleanse is going really well and I've even incorporated green smoothies into my diet (1 cup nut milk, a tbls. flax seed, 2 cups fresh spinach, half a frozen banana, and a half cup of another frozen fruit blended together to form a smoothie--it's so good!).  However, last night I ordered Papa John's cheeseless veggie pizza and breadsticks to have some gluten in my system for my GI appointment today.  I was curious as to how my body would react.  Not surprising, the same symptoms as before came back.  And subsequently I've spent the majority of this day feeling sick.  I can't wait to get back to a gluten-free system!

The GI doctor ordered blood work and an EGD (biopsy of my small intestine) scheduled for March 1.  I have to come off the gluten-free diet 10 days before the procedure so that they can see exactly how gluten effects me.  I dread that.  10 whole days of feeling crummy.  Part of me wonders if the procedure is worth that.  But ultimately, yes, I want the piece of mind knowing that Celiac is definitely what this is and that there is nothing else going wrong.  Hopefully by April I will be back to living completely gluten-free.

I look forward to this gluten saga to be behind me so I can get on to my 30's in a fabulous, healthy fashion!  Maybe then I won't be so hesitant to take on the next decade of my life!

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